31 Mar 2018

Time and Place: When and Where to Get Fillers

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When and Where to Get FillersWhen it comes to choosing dermal fillers, there is plenty to consider. But nowadays, it is undoubtedly one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures.

The speedy procedure and relatively pain-free nature have made dermal fillers incredibly accessible, effective and popular.

Cosmetic filler to is well-known as one of the best ways to restore youth and plumpness to the face, with its effects lasting up to five years at a time.

If you are considering cosmetic filler, here is everything you need to know to help you make your decision…

A Guide To Understanding Dermal Fillers

While the benefits of dermal fillers are numerous, the stand-out of them all is their ability to take years off your appearance.

If you are in search of skin rejuvenation – looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, scarring or even deep wrinkles, dermal fillers are your answer.

But how exactly do these cosmetic fillers work, when should you consider them and are there any side-effects?

Defining Dermal Filler

This cosmetic filler is comprised largely of hyaluronic acid and is available in two forms: natural and semi-permanent filler.

Essentially, dermal fillers are used for skin restoration, i.e. bringing skin back to its once youthful appearance as one ages.

With age one tends to skin elasticity, fat and even muscle tone in the face, which leads to the development of fine lines and wrinkles.

Most commonly, these wrinkles appear around the mouth and eyes, across the forehead and along the cheeks.

This cosmetic filler is essentially a non-invasive way to plump up these fine lines and wrinkles, diminishing their appearance.

Natural Dermal Filler

Natural dermal filler is defined by the amount of time the treatment lasts – generally 6 months to 2 years.

Composed of hyaluronic acid, this treatment dissolves over time, allowing fine lines and wrinkles to reappear.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring compound in the human body. As such, it is broken down with time, dissolving into your system without any side-effects.

With natural dermal fillers, you will have to undergo more frequent treatment to keep wrinkles at bay. However, they are just as effective as semi-permanent fillers.

Semi-Permanent Dermal Filler

Also known as synthetic filler, this procedure is known to last much longer, with effects lasting up to 5 years at a time.

Though synthetic filler is also largely comprised of hyaluronic acid, the compounds are far larger and take longer to be broken down by the body.

Maintenance of synthetic filler will be required as natural aging progresses, generally every 3 – 5 years.

Semi-permanent fillers are not always the most popular option, however, as there are heightened risks associated with the treatment.

Popular Dermal Filler Formulas

Some of the most well-known brands of cosmetic filler on the market today include Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra.

Each brand is different, but essentially the cosmetic filler does exactly the same thing for each.

In general, most cosmetic physicians will choose to use hyaluronic acid-based fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane for treatments.

Juvederm itself is available in three different variations:

  1. Voluma – typically lasts two years or more
  2. Juvederm Ultra Plus – typically lasts a year or more
  3. Juvederm Ultra – typically lasts 6 months – a year

Restylane is also available in three different variations, lasting approximately the same length of time as Juvederm fillers.

When Is It Time To Consider Dermal Filler?

As we mentioned, a cosmetic filler is typically used to plump the skin and restore a youthful look and feel to certain areas of the face.

Filler can also be used in the lip area to enhance the volume of lips or in more specialized areas such as under the eye.

You may want to consider cosmetic filler in the following instances:

  • Filling in deep ”laugh lines” which are prominent around the mouth and nose area
  • To plump up and smooth out fine wrinkles around the edges of the mouth and nose area
  • To restore a little volume to cheeks which may appear hollow or have lost their shape
  • To add volume back to the under eye area which may appear hollow
  • Reducing the effects of scarring and restoring the texture of the skin
  • Reducing the gauntness of certain areas of the face including the temple and lower cheek area
  • Adding volume to the upper or lower lip to balance out the shape of lips
  • Filling in and smoothing out wrinkles which appear across the forehead or between the eyes.

These are just some of the most common ways to use cosmetic filler. However, a physician should always consult with you on specialized requests and will either recommend a certain procedure or not.

The Risks and Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

When it comes to the risks associated with cosmetic filler, they really are minimal.

However, if your treatment is not carried out by a trained, board-certified professional you could put yourself at risk of:

  • Acne breakouts
  • Asymmetry of the face
  • Infection at the site of the injection
  • Skin ulcers
  • Skin rash
  • Under-correction of wrinkles

These risks are very rare when making use of a cosmetic physician who has a good reputation, a thorough understanding of the procedure and certification to back it up.

What To Expect Post-Treatment

If you are new to cosmetic filler and planning a first-time treatment, it’s best to not plan social outings for 48-hours after your treatment.

Naturally, you can expect from swelling from your treatment which should subside one – three days post-treatment.

Depending on the treated area, you can expect swelling, pain, redness, itching and a little discoloration – however, this can fade within as little as two days.

Your filler type will determine the amount of time your treatment will last. This can range from 6 months – two years.

Will need to schedule checkup appointments with your physician to maintain the look and feel of your filler.

Try and avoid using anti-inflammatory drugs post-treatment, as this can actually exacerbate swelling and bruising and even cause bleeding.

Precautions to Using Dermal Fillers

If you’re prone to breakouts of cold sores, also known as the facial herpes simplex, then filler treatment may bring on another breakout.

It’s important to let your physician know about this and they may recommend a prescription of medication to keep these cold sores at bay.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised against receiving cosmetic filler.

Renew Your Skin’s Health With Rejeuvin?

Our medical spa is focused on bringing new life back to your skin through the use of world-class techniques and cutting-edge technology.

Whether you’re looking for full skin treatment or a simple facial, our spa offers the expertise and experienced staff you’re looking for.

Get in touch with us to book your treatment or consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael J. Brucker.
